Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Christopher Blue 

How I feel tonight is how I felt long ago, 

the night before going to school knowing the bullies 

were gonna get me behind the gym, and I couldn’t stop it. 

HOWEVER—that night long ago, I made a plan: 

come morning I’d lie to my mother (another bully) about 

going to school, then go off, play hooky. Everywhere. 

But don’t get me wrong; I’ve already bullied my way 

(fiercely, yet festively—in a shade of Christopher BLUE) 

into the voting booth and made my mark, way before 

heading off to higher ground. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Spinach for Popeye 

There’s a radio tower seen at night—blinking 

rhythmic red bulbs—for miles in all directions 

above 31st and Main Street in Kansas City, 

and below it one night we all piled out of a bar at 

a break between sets of music by They Might Be Giants. 

We smoked in the alley, the sun wasn’t down yet 

so I looked up into the steel tower and told them, 

these women and men pals of mine, that I could climb it; 

I pointed at the straight up ladder, they looked straight up. 

They didn’t go for it

thought it was the smoke talking 

laughed in a nice way, hugged me in a loving way, 

then went back into the bar for more independent music. 

The sun went down and I began to climb. 

The view got better and clearer, longer and farther, if 

at times colder, sometimes hotter, and I haven’t fallen off yet.